Code of ethics

This document regulates the rules of work in 5M s.r.o. and it is an expression of our commitment to ethical and impartial behaviour in every situation, while respecting the human rights of all individuals.

 Our core values are:

  • Integrity
  • Openness
  • Trust and mutual respect
  • Courage
  • Social responsibility


  • We are straight and honest.
  • We behave respectfully to each other.
  • We act according to our best conviction.
  • We trust to our colleagues.
  • We perform our duties and take responsibility for our actions.
  • We are open to new ideas and changes.
  • Our common values take preference over our own interests.
  • We share our acquired information and knowledge with our colleagues.
  • We do and say what we consider as right and do support constructive criticism.
  • We do not abuse our position for a personal benefit.
  • We follow the laws and regulations of the Czech Republic and the European Union and we comply with accordance with ethical principles.
  • We do not participate in any illegal or corrupt practices in any sense, neither directly nor indirectly.
  • We avoid bullying.
  • We feel responsibility for our environment.
  • We keep in secret the know-how and other facts constituting the trade secrets of 5M.
  • We do not enforce our private economic interests at the expense of 5M.
  • We do not support behavior which is inconsistent with good manners and this Code.
  • We will inform our supervisor with no delay, about the suspicion of serious breach of this ethical code as well as about the violation of the criminal law or any other law regulations.